Thursday, November 8, 2012

C4K Summaries for October

Week 7 This week I commented on Autumn's Blog. She a student in the 9th grade that enjoys her "Quality of Life". She has a couple of concerns about the school's hallway traffic in between classes, but other than the minor problems, she is enjoying meeting new friends and raising her grades. She gives her definition of quality of life, which I feel is excellent wording for that bundle of words. Week 8 This week I commented on CourtneyAnn's blog on the presidential debate. She had a very solid and accurate statements about both parties. I like her post because it is unbiased. She states the point that each debater argues. Although only one came across as making sense. However, I do look forward to reading her next blog on the debate. Mainly because she pays attention to detail. In her blog she talks about body language, tone and settings. Week 9 This week I was assigned to Bradley's post. He gave a very detailed description of his stay at his Uncle Mike's house in Missouri. He and is friends/cousins played dodge ball. He seem as if he enjoyed himself. Bradley is a good writer. Week 10 This week I am assigned to comment on a 2nd grader's blog from Birmingham, AL. The name was not given, just the letter "M" so I chose Marshall's Blog. She gave key in site and descriptions of a black widow. I thought it was interesting and healthy for her to know about possible dangerous insects so if she/he ever encounter one, they are able to protect themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Good job but I would have liked to have seen some links to the students' blogs!
